Tuesday, November 8, 2011


se "água mole em pedra dura
tanto bate até que fura"
hei de em breve encontrar ela:
a felicidade que perdura...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Letting it out

My heart is torn apart, every day is a struggle
with no one there for me to cuddle

My head spins around trying to find the best
way out of this madness.

I'm angry, I'm terribly sad
going through the toughest time I've ever had

The smile on the mask is not to fade
no matter what my fears or my fate.

I need relief, I need support
that sees the sinking ship and doesn't abort.

My Angel is there for me holding out his hand
and telling me not to pretend.

Gotta reach inside deeper than ever before
to fix myself and be someone I adore...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bye, Bye, Bird!

A broken bird that came and impressed
could still sing but couldn't yet fly high.
How attached I'd become couldn't be guessed
this bird could charm you without telling a lie.

The bird was hurt, but It was stubborn and strong
and I needed the company and a bit of attention
so It happened to come to me singing Its song
I welcomed It without prejudice or prevention.

Ah! The bird sang so often and so well!
the joy those songs brought; hell! just to have It around!
at times it seemed It forgot that It fell,
It seemed just happy to have been found.

The day finally came when I had to let It go.
My heart broke when I saw how willingly It went.
I guess that bird wasn't ready for a hold
didn't appreciate what Its presence truly meant.

               So long, yellow bird, go on, fly on free!
               But if you're hurt again,
               Don't dare to come back to me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


the water keeps going up
and we keep afloat
drowing the house, the city, the world
and there's no need for a boat
the clear, calm water never stops
but it comes only to our throat
it's the chaos, the rebel side
that needs attention, wants a vote
and it's be good to let it slide
without an umbrella or raincoat
everyone needs a scapegoat...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Missing you...

Everytime I close my eyes
I have to suddenly realise
that you're the very first thought
and that's the web in which I'm caught.

can't be with you, can't forget
only thing left is to think and fret:
what are you doing? what's on your mind?
Hate it when all I do is complain and wine...

I miss your voice and the lip-locking,
the soft hands there's no blocking
the taste of coffee and nicotine
you so are my morphine:

you get me relaxed and calm.
you're from a different realm:
simple and open, honest and sweet
I'm so glad we got to meet...

I miss you so and no end to time
but it'll eventually be fine
when I have again you with me
and all is again peace and glee!

                      Can't and won't shake you off my system
                      cause you're the one that make my eyes glisten!

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Prayer

Oh, hear me, Powers That Be,
and give Your answers to me.
cause You know I'm doing my best
and still I find no rest.

I do believe in my heart
that we're from the Whole, a part
we're not here to suffer, but to shine
so why isn't all I want mine?

There's always a worry or defeat:
puzzle almost finished but never complete
why don't I have it all?
what does it take? A squall?

I've already gone through so much:
pain, agony, joy, euphoria and such.
I've known what's to miss, to desire,
to support, to demand, to require.

Isn't it time I felt somplete satisfaction?
If not, show me why by whatever reaction.
I really am struggling with my Faith...
or it's just the Moon, or a playful wraith...


I don't want anymore to learn and grow!
Will I ever find the gold at the end of the rainbow?
I want little so can't I have it all, please?
they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease


To emphasise I'll go on and repeat:
Leave out the bitter, I just want the sweet!
Health, Money, Love and warm feet!
and a lighter heart would also be neat...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Was ich erwarte

Ich weiß, dass eine solche Beziehung
Angst macht, sie macht uns nachdenklich.
Man will sich nicht selber verlieren
nichts übersturzen, es richtig machen, Fehler kaschieren.

Es läuft fast wie bei der Erziehung:
man macht, was man für richtig hält
versucht damit klarzukommen, dass was schief geht
reagiert mit Gewissen, sogar wenn man nicht alles versteht.

Eine Bitte hätte ich: es kommt aus eine Laune heraus, eine Ahnung.
Versteh doch, dass es keine Drohung ist, keine Warnung.
Du ziehst dich zürück, buildest eine Wand, die langsam hochgeht.
Wie ein Wind, der dich langsam von meiner Liebe wegweht.

Anscheinend geht's bei uns nicht um das Ergebnis sondern um Erfahrung
Wir sollen nicht viel hinterfragen: genießen und der nächste Schritt überlegen.
Schritt für Schritt werden wir es schon schaffen
Trotz Angst, Verstecken und so viele Fragen...

Es ist immer noch nur eine Brize, kein Sturm...
es schleicht sich hierher und macht dich Stumm
lass nicht zu dass es Geschwindigkeit gewinnt um dich wegzublasen...
denn ich freue mich schon so sehr auf die nächste Phasen...

ich glaube schon wir kriegen es irgendwie hin...
wir fangen erst an: noch ist alles drin.
grübel nicht: sprich mit mir
das erwarte ich von dir...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Wer du bist...

Ah! Die Freude, die es macht
dich zu spüren in meinem Arm!
Ah! Was für ein Glück, dich zu haben.
Die Welt erscheint in neuen Farben!

Denn dich zuzuhören, dich zu sehen,
dich zu berühren, dich zu erleben,
gehört jetzt zum Leben dazu
und ich bin vollkommen im Nu.

Vollkommen im Glück, nicht im Sein:
Ich mache mich hier nicht klein.
Mein Herz hat in dich Stille, Ruhe.
Du bist eine wahrhaftige Schatztruhe!

Immer wieder eine Perle, ein Edelstein.
ein Ritter, ein Mann: verdorben und rein.
Und immer ein Licht, im Sommer ein Regenguss!
Immer Hände, Blicke, und welt-stoppender Kuss.

Interessant, dass du in mir tauchen willst:
während meine Seele mit deiner verschmilzt.
Ich weiß nicht mich von dir zu retten...
es wird noch heißer: möchtest wetten?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Time for bed...

After a winning and feeling so glad,
do you also feel a little sad??
it's over, wouldn't last, too bad...
think it's time for me to go to bed...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Auf Wieder Sehen

wenn ich sterben würde morgen
würde ich mir machen keine Sorgen
denn ich bin mir sicher, ich tat,
was mir mein Herz gesagt hat:

ich habe meine Liebe geschenkt,
habe keiner damit eingeengt
hatte immer die gute Absicht
alles zu halten in Gleichgewicht.

Wünschte die meisten nur das Beste
zum Feiern war ich meistens die Erste
aber Verantwortungen auch übernommen
habe genug Anerkennung dafür bekommen.

Den Wünsch hätte ich, muss schon sagen,
meine Kinder und du bei mir zu haben.
einen letzten Kuss dann musste ich gehen
und versichern: wir werden uns wieder sehen!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Year

another year has passed,
and it was oh so fast:
so many memories made
moments awful and great.

children growing: a joy!
every-day filled: oh boy!
a new love found
changes coming round.

a separation brought pain.
a fight to stay sane
demons haunting me
a friend missed endlessly.

finally doing it my way:
no guilt and no fray.
my angel is my guide:
I have nothing to hide.

"What comes around goes around"
and this is what I found:
I have so much love to give
and "live and let live".

Thank You for it all:
For being there when I call.
For the health and the love
For watching me from above!

don't know who You are
For me: a bright Star!
Bring the laughter and the cries:
brought me those green eyes.

Another year is through
the next'll be bright and new!
Exciting: can't wait!
what will now be my Fate?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do unto others...

why hurt the ones you care for?
why conciously offend?
then, no way to mend...
no going back to before.

why say what you don't mean?
why risk causing intense pain?
why not sunshine instead of rain?
cold-shoulder or one to lean?

wait till the anger burns off
don't feed, put out the fire!
leave if the situation's dire
learn to lay off...

it'll pay off in the end
we get what we spread
so, do love, not dread!
no enemy, a friend!

"Do unto others what you would have done unto you"
Be Light and let It burn that anger through.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Not a rhyme: a message...

The Universe is all about forces coming together, colliding and separating again. It's about opposites, about balance. We're always sending out Energy through our bodies in every direction in every moment. This Energy sends out into the environment our wishes, our fears, our expectations, our dreams, looking for its "solution", the opposite that will set the scale right. Sending out the right message into the world is the key to finding what you are looking for: be it a key you lost, a job you want, a partner to share your life with. For a relationship, that's how it goes:

When a Feminine Essence enters a room, her radiance goes all over the space and criss-crosses with every other Energy flowing from everybody else. Suddenly one ray connects with the ray coming out of a Masculine Essence, her opposite, that fits exactly the yearning she's sending out. The connected rays come to life and becomes one, moving back and forth faster and faster, creating physical heat between the two and urging them to get closer, to realise this energy, materialize it and send it free to the Universe. So, they may blush, they may sweat, and certainly are now aware of each other.

Forgetting social boundaries, fears and whatever holds one back from fulfilling such a call, they start getting closer. As they get closer to each other the Energy accelerates, creating more and more heat, demanding that you become One so It is not separate anymore: He-She Energy, the Everything, God!

When the two Energies finally unite, the Energy, the Power, finally explodes, setting the "new" Energy free into the world and "allowing" you to separate again. Maybe this "new" Energy actually creates actual matter and becomes new Life. Maybe not. But now He and She are free again to send out rays, capture the perfect one again and start the Dance anew.

If it works out, and this He and this She stay together and dance with each other over and over, the new Energy created becomes ever more perfect, ever finer until the gates to Paradise are opened easily and the two are opened by each other to the All, to the One, to God, in amazing Bliss.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sah in einem Tagtraum
du und ich im gleichen Raum.
War das eine Überraschung!
Fast veliere ich die Fassung!
Dann: glücklich wie ein Frosch im Moos!
Als ob ich ziehe das große Los!
Dann kam ein Kuss,
wie immer unendlich süß...
Dann waren wir nackt
(ist es ein Traum oder doch Fakt?)
Deine Haut so warm und sanft:
Sweiß, Stöhnen, Hitze, Dampf!
Dannach einfach so da liegen
so leicht ich könnte wegfliegen...
Dann ein Bohren, ein Schlag:
bin leider wieder aufgewacht.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Future

The Future is chocolate cake and candy cane.
It's a fiery storm and a hurricane.
It's a mother's arms and a lover's kiss.
It's a tsunami and a great abyss.

The Future is laughter, is Heaven, is Salvation.
It's crying, is missing, is desperation.
It's breezes in june, it's the scent of a flower.
It's a mad dictator with endless power.

Who know what It will bring?
A tear, a rose, a scream or a dream?
Best to think of the Now, the Here.
Sit back, appreciate it, have a beer!

"What if Now sucks?"- you ask.
Well, do something about it, and fast!
Here and Now is all there is and ever will be:
the Past is gone, the Future is not Here, you see?

So get that butt moving today!
What should go? what should stay?
you can only deal well with whatever'll come,
if you are being the Best you can become!

Go be happy, whatever it takes!
Take the real, dump the fakes!
I believe in you and so should you!
So, now, what are you gonna do??

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Last Thought

what a day, what a song, what fun!
It's what matters when it's all said and done:
a smile, a hug, a tender word, a look!
a beautiful song, an interesting book.

what matters can't be taken but in our Hearts.
It's not the Whole, it's the Parts.
what we learn, receive and share
it's an unending dare:

run and hide or be bold?
regret inaction when old?
what will be your last thought
when nothing else can be bought:

"how much has this cost: this decoration?"
or "thank you for the standing ovation!"?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Für dich...

Wenn ich deine Stimme nicht höre,
weiß nicht mehr wo ich hingehöre.
Vermisse dich und will dir das sagen.
Die Entfernung ist gerade schwer zu ertragen...


I have faith in the Universe, I have trust.
I'll even give something up if I must
cause I know It wants all harmony and love,
and It'll send the chances to me from above.

No use worrying, doubting, if you just know
it's opportunities for you to learn and grow.
the Best for all parties is the only outcome
a chance to be the best you can become.

So I leave myself in the hand of the Powers
doesn't mean I will do nothing for days or hours
it means I'll open the doors that come my way
and always give thanks for them, and pray.

I deserve the Best, and so do you!
just keep your strength and your cool.
the Universe trys hard to give you what you need.
and this is exactly what you needed to read!

                                                               Open those doors, go ahead!
                                                               With an open Heart, it's never bad!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Have a wonderful day!

Here goes wishings for a lovely day:
don't argue, don't fight, don't frown
don't let other people bring you down
have the originality to say:

I'm here, I'm happy, this is my time!
I can do it, I'm sure, no big deal!
My Heart is open without lock or seal!
We are Light, we are Love, all can be mine!

Nobody can stand in my way!
No issues will become a bother!
No lies can lead me astray!
I come first, and no other!

Like the Butterfly Effect, move my wings
to make a tornado far away.
Think only of positive and preety things,
and make Paradise come your way.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The speeding train

to win a kid's smile, a kid's trust:
fills my heart with pride I could burst!
to know you're accepted, you're in:
I'm the happiest I could have ever been!

A lovelier day could not be:
the best was the way you kept looking at me...
it's great this shared thelepathy:
how I can receive all that good energy.

your fear, your worry, your avoidance,
clear to me even without clairvoyance,
were based on nothing. only shook my confidence.
That was not clear before, now it is evident.

I'm so glad the Universe provided this chance!
Now the stakes are back in balance.
no more excuses: now there's only this:
it's only about us, our feelings of fear and bliss.

so what's it gonna be?
Honey without the bee?
Forest without the tree?
Is it very hard to see?

I will try and explain:
it's like a speeding train:
there's no stopping us now.
there's no way and no how!

we all know the end destination:
it needs no plans, calls or invitation.
the Universe has it all worked out, you know?
let go of the planning and just go with the flow!

                         Remember I love you, in case it's not clear.
                         With Love on our side, there's nothing to fear!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Wut kommt bekanntlich von innen heraus
für gewöhnlich uninteressant an wem wir lassen's raus.
Es geht meistens um uns selber, ein Frustration.
Um was uns an uns nicht gefällt: Projektion.

Öfters, um noch näher zu erklären, fängt's damit an
dass wir nicht glauben können wir sind dran:
jemand hat's geschafft, uns reinzulegen.
jetzt wissen wir nicht, wohin uns hinzubewegen.

Also, es geht nicht um den anderen, sondern um uns.
Das zu verstehen und klarzukommen ist die Kunst.
Damit lernen, wachsen und weitergehen: das sollen wir machen.
Besser ein geschlagener Ritter als ein feuerspuckender Drachen.

Komm zu Punkt: was hat mich wirklich gestört?
(Angst verwandelt sich in Wut und schießt empor!)
Angst vor weitere Verletzungen, dass wir nicht gut genug sind?
Hab Vertrauen: es gibt immer eine Lehre, einen Sinn!

Wenn es kapput ist, unreparierbar, wirf es einfach weg!
Das Auto funktioniert viel besser ohne Schleim, Staub und Dreck!

Monday, May 30, 2011


If we are supposed to live for today,
doesn't it make sense that you stay?

If you should yearn, and long, and desire,
how long do you do it until you tire?

If this feels so good and so right,
why am I again alone tonight?

is it meant that we think it so through?
testing the water instead of jumping in the pool?

I can read your thoughts, see your struggle,
same as mine, analyzing the same hurdle...

isn't it going to come to the decision that's made?
what's the use of tests, defiance and grade?

If Time is the one thing we can't have back,
let's take the New and let go of the Wreck!

If Time is the one thing we can't have back,
our Hearts are the only things left to check...

It's a leap of Faith: do we dare??
it's to our Hearts we need to be fair...

My indian name: Heavenflower, you're Tigerspaw...
It's about that Love: real, strong, beautifully raw.

So, no use in all the struggle, the analyzing, the debate:
Inevitably we're the fish and Love, the bait.
The Hearts can only win; the spirits, elevate...
How much more Time is there to waste?

Friday, May 27, 2011

an obstacle overcome, a battle won!
such a day deserves a song!
thought the body would crumble,
thought the head would shut down.
but we are all God's greatest ensemble!
who doubts that deserves a frown.

so, I've made it and with elegance!
just giving possitivity a chance.
and now here I am: happy and proud!
I won and now I can shout it out:

I made it to shore!
I'm good, I'm strong, I can deliver!
Life is not a stormy sea anymore,
It is just a river...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One by one the Pillars do fall:
can't change Life's pace.
there's always someone to call
when there's a problem to face.

So, don't you dare forget:
I'm here, and when I'm not,
I'll leave you all set
just in case you forgot.

See, it's like a domino game,
like the 7-waves rule:
suffering is not a shame,
who doesn't feel is the fool.

So, better to sit back, not fight.
learn the lessons and go straight on.
I don't mean to sound light:
it's the best thing to focus on.

I'm here if you need a shoulder,
you know that I'll wait.
things happen when you get older...
I'll hold you if you're afraid.

"you can only let go of what you hold"
said a very wise man I follow...
let the pain in, feel it: be bold!
it's worst to try and swallow...

another wise woman said:
the best help is knowing someone's there.
so know, please, I still care:
through fear, happiness and dread.

                                Take my hand if you need it: it is stretched out.
                                to help you, if you wish, is all what this is about.

Friday, May 20, 2011


The Sun is just hiding behind the clouds:
inevitably it will come out!
then the rain will have stopped
and the baggage will be dropped...

Hope is in sight,
Angel always by my side.
Help whenever I prayed.
Hope struggled but stayed!

                          Soon comes a brighter day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Eyes

the eyes don't wanna see...
don't like what there is...
is this how I'm gonna be?
would the solution be a kiss?

the eyes don't like what they see...
they hurt and wanna be shut...
the feelings are all free...
lady, bitch, criminal, slut...

the eyes just wanna dream...
good times elsewhere,
water, sand and sunscreen...
can't afford to be there...

so the eyes go against the sight
warning me of what's not right
life seems an unending fight,
life seems made of only black and white...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pandora's Box

Now Pandora's Box is open and all flew out:
I could cry, I could laugh, I could scream and shout.
I could close up, shield up and stay inside.
I'd rather be alone: shut up and hide!

the meaner Goddesses were women, the Furies.
they persecuted and killed who did a wrong
they were merciless cause that was their duty
when they come over me it's not enough to sing a song.

I could destroy, I could torture, I could kill
I lose all compassion, all distraction and good will.
what's to calm such a mighty force?
what's to stop me from screaming till I'm hoarse?

Pandora's Box: was there a way to shut it?
I can't recall how that story came to an end...
I can't recall...but I'm sure I've heard it...
Hope I'll soon be turning a bend...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

zum Geburtstag

Als du mein Leben betreten hast:
Alarm! Alarm! Zu gut um Wahr zu sein!
Unglaublich, dass es so perfekt passt!
Mein Herz ist offen: komm ruhig rein!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Question

The Question is really
is it worth to wait?
do I trust Fate?
do I give in completely?

the Question is, for real,
is it worth the longing?
the sadness and the wanting?
should I learn to deal?

the Question, to rephrase,
is if I hold on patiently.
Not thinking, as usual, carefully
not analysing in any case.

the answer, I should tell,
surprised out of me the living Hell!
and it is as simple as this:
it is worth waiting for you kiss.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


What to do about the storm?
feelings flooding me: that's new.
Isn't there supposed to be an alarm, a horn?
I'm not blocking, I'm feeling but what to do?

The wave comes and leaves me tired.
I can't do this, gonna get fired!
The wave goes and I have survived
and never cheated, retreated or lied.

Feelings are so intense, so strong and real.
No wonder I blocked the way I feel!
Now the heart is open to let them in and out
isn't that what life is all about?

I'll love, I'll laugh, I'll really cry.
Learn to deal with comings and goodbyes.
this way I'll truly be me.
is there a better way to be?

                                          Wish me luck and fingers crossed!
                                          The dice have been tossed!

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's cold

When you're gone, I'm cold.
I freeze, I shiver, I shake.
I feel my body getting old
I go to sleep and don't wanna wake.

I avoid stereotypes, nevertheless,
when you're there, all is light,
all is harmony, joy and gentleness
All is warm and tall and wide.

When you're gone, it's true!,
it's like you take a part of me.
Lyrics gone, hear only melody
and I feel like such a fool.

Time flies by, I know:
you'll be back in no time!
then you'll again have to go
will give me new reason to rhyme.

So, just for your information,
this is not criticism or accusation,
just thought to write this down:
won't you come?? It's freezing now!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A short one

Alas, the full moon still dies and grows,
the plants bloom, the river flows!
Means the world is still spinning
so, soon, instead of crying, grinning!


A lovely Sunflower that is me
prettier than a plant, stronger than a tree.
I look up at the sun
and follow it around.

It's fire is what I need
like water, earth and the air that I breath.
with the elements with me
I'm safe and sound.

If one fails me, though,
I miss it: that much I know.
Even if I try to avoid it, there's no use:
my head hangs low.

So a Sunflower, that's me:
there's not much else I need to be.
Just take what I need and
feed every other bee.

and spread beauty and light
for the world to see.