Monday, May 30, 2011


If we are supposed to live for today,
doesn't it make sense that you stay?

If you should yearn, and long, and desire,
how long do you do it until you tire?

If this feels so good and so right,
why am I again alone tonight?

is it meant that we think it so through?
testing the water instead of jumping in the pool?

I can read your thoughts, see your struggle,
same as mine, analyzing the same hurdle...

isn't it going to come to the decision that's made?
what's the use of tests, defiance and grade?

If Time is the one thing we can't have back,
let's take the New and let go of the Wreck!

If Time is the one thing we can't have back,
our Hearts are the only things left to check...

It's a leap of Faith: do we dare??
it's to our Hearts we need to be fair...

My indian name: Heavenflower, you're Tigerspaw...
It's about that Love: real, strong, beautifully raw.

So, no use in all the struggle, the analyzing, the debate:
Inevitably we're the fish and Love, the bait.
The Hearts can only win; the spirits, elevate...
How much more Time is there to waste?

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