Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Deal

                                        The Deal

Hades is in a vengeful state
Demeter broke their deal before
she dared not honour their date
and bring him the girl they adore.

So now is revenge time!
He's keeping her in his reign
whose door no one can find
the cold and rain show Demeter's pain.

Go, Zeus, go and intervene!
The new flowers can't bloom, and we need the sun!
Our energie and Light are about to wean!
Make Demeter happy so we can have some Spring fun!

The deal was struck and will never be broken.
An important deal, a life-securing token.

But Gods are unstable and prone to mean deeds...
What am I saying??? "Don't bite the hands that feed"...
Sorry, don't punish me, I didn't mean it!
You are forgiving, too, I've seen it!

Penelope should return so Spring can begin
That'd be fair so everybody can win.
Just hope Demeter doesn't do the same
and Summer won't be too long to continue their game...