Sunday, June 19, 2011

Not a rhyme: a message...

The Universe is all about forces coming together, colliding and separating again. It's about opposites, about balance. We're always sending out Energy through our bodies in every direction in every moment. This Energy sends out into the environment our wishes, our fears, our expectations, our dreams, looking for its "solution", the opposite that will set the scale right. Sending out the right message into the world is the key to finding what you are looking for: be it a key you lost, a job you want, a partner to share your life with. For a relationship, that's how it goes:

When a Feminine Essence enters a room, her radiance goes all over the space and criss-crosses with every other Energy flowing from everybody else. Suddenly one ray connects with the ray coming out of a Masculine Essence, her opposite, that fits exactly the yearning she's sending out. The connected rays come to life and becomes one, moving back and forth faster and faster, creating physical heat between the two and urging them to get closer, to realise this energy, materialize it and send it free to the Universe. So, they may blush, they may sweat, and certainly are now aware of each other.

Forgetting social boundaries, fears and whatever holds one back from fulfilling such a call, they start getting closer. As they get closer to each other the Energy accelerates, creating more and more heat, demanding that you become One so It is not separate anymore: He-She Energy, the Everything, God!

When the two Energies finally unite, the Energy, the Power, finally explodes, setting the "new" Energy free into the world and "allowing" you to separate again. Maybe this "new" Energy actually creates actual matter and becomes new Life. Maybe not. But now He and She are free again to send out rays, capture the perfect one again and start the Dance anew.

If it works out, and this He and this She stay together and dance with each other over and over, the new Energy created becomes ever more perfect, ever finer until the gates to Paradise are opened easily and the two are opened by each other to the All, to the One, to God, in amazing Bliss.

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