Monday, September 3, 2012

Pro meu Vovô

Quem é que vai comprar um peixinho pra comer a cabeça?
Quem vai encher a dispensa de guloseimas que dissemos gostar?
Quem vai jogar as mãos para o ar quando quer que se aborreça?
Quem vai mostrar as costas com cravos pra gente cutucar?

E as vezes que nos levou à praia?
E quando reclamava da nossa saia?
E no telefone que só sabia resmungar?
E os insetos que via e saía a achatar?

as festas em Itaipava,
a campanha pra ganhar mesada,
as novelas que gostava,
os flagras em nós depois da noitada,
o jardim de que cuidava,
o Fiat velho que dirigia,
os passeios pela praia que dava,
os dentes tortinhos quando sorria.

Isso é o que fica: as memórias.
Todos os momentos e todas as estórias.
O amor que nos deu e o seu jeitão.
Seu modo peculiar de mostrar afeição.

Fica com Deus, vovôzinho, e vá para a Luz!
Você deixou sua marca como ninguém.
O adeus é um momento difícil que a vida produz
mas a vida continua e ficaremos bem!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Magick Night

                                                          A Magick Night

A magic night!
a magick night!

who would've thought this freedom could occur?
between sighs, laughter and purr

the intimacy needed to let go and feel light
whatever mistake or schame put to right.

the moon was full, Beltane was here
and we transcended the atmosphere.

there was a fire, not to be sprung
and a song not need to be sung.

the fire that burnt us up didn't hurt.
and it burned till the final spurt.

now that's spoiled me for the rest
leaving me with memory and zest...

what magick this moon has brought!
I'm happy, I'm as full as I ought!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

About him...

His eyes seeing her get bright
you've never seen more beautiful light
such relief and joy just to see her
his love comes right out to greet her.

What to say about the smile in his face?
A warmth and care one would jump to embrace!
That face says: "you're everything to me!"
"You make me happy just to be!"

But hold on! That face shows again!
The light, the love, the smile remain
for another that runs to spring in his arms!
One who shares his smarts and unending charms!

So there are two who light up his life!
Whose presences are worth any strife!

Wonderful to see and feel love like that!
Wonderful to know you're their dad!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Soneto de Fidelidade

De tudo ao meu amor serei atento
Antes, e com tal zelo, e sempre, e tanto
Que mesmo em face do maior encanto
Dele se encante mais meu pensamento.

Quero vivê-lo em cada vão momento
E em seu louvor hei de espalhar meu canto
E rir meu riso e derramar meu pranto
Ao seu pesar ou seu contentamento

E assim, quando mais tarde me procure
Quem sabe a morte, angústia de quem vive
Quem sabe a solidão, fim de quem ama

Eu possa me dizer do amor (que tive):
Que não seja imortal, posto que é chama
Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
Vinícius de Moraes

meu poema favorito!

Monday, January 16, 2012


I've been through so much
I've lived through so much
I've seen way too much
now I'm tired...

There were blue skies and the rain
there was endless laughter and crying in vain
so much gained, then some passed, and some desired...
I'm tired...

There were things no one should see
there were things I told no one but me
things demanded, things followed and required...
I'm tired...

I've seen enough of the world as it is
I don't have to go further than this
but my adventure voucher hasn't expired...
and I am so tired...

from now on I'd like to have all I've aspired to
Free hand to do things I was inspired to
cause there's so much I've already acquired...
and I'm so tired...

I've enough of being so wired!
Give me a break!! I'm tired!